Vice President

With more than 13 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, Bev has proficiency in a number of professional roles including, but not limited to, acquisitions, genealogy, title abstracting, project management, quality control, interviewing and hiring. She joined Back Roads Solutions in January of 2014, and currently serves as the Vice President of Strategic Growth & Recruitment
Bev is responsible for staffing, training, leading and managing Back Roads Solutions teams as they perform the job responsibilities and expectations set forth by both the client and the established practices of Back Roads Solutions.
Bev also assists Back Roads Solutions with its overall short- and long-term strategic goals as they relate to business development, client satisfaction, the production of high-quality work, the hiring of highly-skilled and qualified individuals, and the emphasis of upholding a People First business.
Bev is a member of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL), Michael Late Benedum Chapter (MLBC), Northern Appalachian Landman’s Association (NALA) and the National Association of Land Title Examiners and Abstractors (NALTEA).
Bev can be reached at [email protected]